Default paper sizes missing from printer

General usage of the PDF Printer.

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Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:05 pm

Default paper sizes missing from printer

Post by estebanramos3 »

Hello everyone!! I've been looking around the forum but didn't quite find the answer to my problem. PDF Printer works OK, but I can't use some of the most commonly used paper sizes because they don't show up. I'm using the latest Bullzip & Ghostscript versions, on a Non-English XP SP3 install. (already uninstalled and reinstalled printer and ghostscript).

These are the sizes I get:
A3, A4, A5, A2, A6, LetterSmall, A0, A1, A4Small, A7, A8, A9, A10, ISO B0, ISO B1, ISO B2, ISO B3, ISO B4, ISO B5, ISO B6, JIS B0, JIS B1, JIS B2, JIS B3, JIS B4, JIS B5, JIS , 6, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, ARCHE, ARCHD, ARCHC, ARCHB, ARCHA, ARCHE1, ARCHE1 Half, FLSA, FLSE, HalfLetter, PA4, and Custom Page Sizes
(almost every page size suppoerted, but......)

These are the ones I need, but can't use...
Letter, Ledger, Legal, Note, 11x17. I'm guessing everyone uses Letter on almost a daily basis, and I use Tabloid (11x17) a lot as well....

I end up printing in some similar page size (like A4), but I know that when printed, it will be scaled down.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:05 pm

Re: Default paper sizes missing from printer

Post by estebanramos3 »

Solved. It seems that the ghostscript lite distribution may have some issues with this. Downloaded and installed the full version of ghostscript and the missing paper sizes now show up. How come I didn't think of this before.......
Thanks anyway.
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