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Printing a PDF file...

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:33 am
by Johannes

this looks so simple, yet it doesn't work with me. Files previously created with Amyuni Document Converter 1.3, as a PDF file, I can't print them with Bullzip. I seems stupid to try to make a PDF file from a PDF file, but that has to do with my previous question: I want to add a background.

Wether I apply that background or not, is doesn't work. Apparently the file is secured (according to it's properties it is), but I am not trying to do anything to the file itsself, I just want to print it. Therefore it should in my opinion not matter wether it's secured or not.

Using another PDF printer does create a file, but the only information in it is the following:

ERROR: undefined

Does anyone have an idea? Thanks anyway!
