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Print Header, Footer, and Page Number?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:45 pm
by fgump
First off, thanks for such a great product! I have a large PDF document that does not contain any page numbers. I was hoping that I could print it with BullZip PDF Printer to another PDF and include page numbers, but I don't see that it's an option. I always wanted to add a header to some of the sections that I print.

If this is not possible, may it be please possibly be added in a future version? The ability to print page numbers, page footers, and page headers would be incredible! It would be VERY important to allow a user to specify to use "auto page numbering" or "select a starting page number" that would automatically increment for each page.

This way I could print sections of my large document with a specific header and page numbers. Each section I print, I could select a different page header and include the page numbers (thus the ability to enter a starting page number so they proceed each print job).

Thank you very much,


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:48 am
by jr
Your header and footer issue may be solved by using the background pdf feature. You can create an empty document page with only the header and footer and then specify that as the background.

I don't have a solution for your page number issue.
