Error: 429

Installation and setup related issues.

Moderator: jr

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:05 pm

Error: 429

Post by Xorcist »

I recently installed BullZip PDF Printer on a Lenovo ThinkPad T530, Windows 7 64bit.

Attempting to print a test page I get the following message:

An error occurred.
Error 429: Error creating object: Bullzip.PdfSettings
Source: LoadConfig::GUI
Internal hint: Get the configuration for this PDF generation

Attempting to configure the printer I get the following message:

An error occurred.
Error 429: Error creating object: Bullzip.PdfUtil
Source: GUI
Internal hint: Check if options are disabled

Any ideas why? I ran Process Monitor and captured a log, but can't really make heads or tails of it. I do see some lines of interest though...

12:52:53.8929820 PM gui.exe 6488 RegQueryKey HKCU\Software\Classes SUCCESS Query: Name
12:52:53.8929901 PM gui.exe 6488 RegQueryKey HKCU\Software\Classes SUCCESS Query: HandleTags, HandleTags: 0x1
12:52:53.8929974 PM gui.exe 6488 RegOpenKey HKCU\Software\Classes\Bullzip.PdfUtil NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
12:52:53.8930055 PM gui.exe 6488 RegOpenKey HKCR\Bullzip.PdfUtil NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
12:52:53.8930140 PM gui.exe 6488 RegCloseKey HKCU\Software\Classes SUCCESS
12:52:53.8930247 PM gui.exe 6488 RegQueryKey HKCU SUCCESS Query: HandleTags, HandleTags: 0x0
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:05 pm

Re: Error: 429

Post by Xorcist »

I checked and the following registry keys:


that have been created on other machines, were not created on this one.

Could it be an issue with Windows 7 64bit SP1? I was installing as Administator, so I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be a permissions issue...

anyone have any ideas?
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Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:05 pm

Re: Error: 429

Post by Xorcist »

Anyone? Is looks like the installer is just not adding the registry keys it needs. What are the reasons why this might happen? I installed Bullzip PDF Printer on a separate machine and it worked flawlessly, now this was a Windows 32bit SP1 machine as opposed to my Widows 64bit SP1 machine, and it definitely added the associated registry keys on the 32bit machine, so what gives?
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Re: Error: 429

Post by jr »


Please use the contact form to start an email conversation on this. I would love to have a screen sharing session with you to locate the problem if you like :-)

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